In quest for a hero to save me

Testimony by Ms. Tresa Savy

Pressured by world’s standards:

Grace unfolded in my life about sixteen years ago. I was an  ordinary, ‘run-of-the mill’ person. Yet in my perception, an underrated one; in terms of world’s standard. I felt I was squeezed under the pressures of this world to come to meet its level, especially in my career, knowingly and unknowingly I was looking for someone to save me, although I was not realizing it. Fear gripped throughout my life and every person who I considered can be my savior proved me wrong pathetically.

My Growing up years:

On one such day, I happened to hear about a servant of God and was advised to pray with him. Initially I discouraged myself to approach him because none of my previous experiences related to prayer benefitted me in any ways. Besides, my faith was zero even though I was born a Christian. To me, Jesus Christ was a part of the history, a man who lived 2000 years ago and in my opinion, how can He become my God? I did not find a rationale and it was quite difficult for my understanding. In addition, I grew up in a place where there was pagan worship and had my good friends who were pagan believers. I was mesmerized by their stories and the mythical creatures and was always keen to listen to their stories, their tradition and culture. My heart sank into these stories. While I was curious and definitely interested in the stories, I did not worship them. I just needed more stories of these mythical characters as I found it interesting. The more I knew, the more I liked it. Looking back into my life, I realise a darkness entered my mind and I started to experience sadness and a sense of despair with no reason to backup this sadness and feeling of despair. A fear gripped my inmost being which kept telling me I was not going to succeed in my life. No matter what I did nothing could make me happy and I felt this deep vacuum and a sense of emptiness in my heart.

As Life Moved On:

Meanwhile, I got graduated and did my further studies and got into a job. On one such day, as I was getting ready to go to my job place, I came before the Sacred Heart picture of Jesus Christ to pray (as it was the usual practice before leaving the house). That day, since I was running out of time, I got a bit annoyed to pray before the Lord and with that irritation I came before the sacred Hearts picture and looked at Jesus’s face and asked  Are you really true and Living or are you only the part of the history?  Is my prayer to you a waste of my time?” and I left for job. I completely forgot this matter and life was going on. Nearly six months past, I flew out of country in hope for a better beginning.

How a Hero Saved me:

In this period, I met a servant of God whom I mentioned earlier, though I was reluctant to go to him, the pressures in my job drove me to contact him. I remember the words he told me firstly was “Jesus loves me”, as soon as I heard those words, something happened to my heart, and I started sobbing on for no reason. He prayed over me, and I got a good job. Since I got what I  desired for, I was supposed to go my own way, but this time, my heart got hooked with Jesus. I desired to know more about Jesus,  I asked the same brother for a second prayer. After that prayer session, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and developed a huge urge within me, to cling to Jesus, that without him I cannot live further. I still remember, in those days I was quite suspicious and wondered, whether my prayer will be heard by the Lord or not, as my faith level was very low;  nonetheless, I thought within me, that even if the Lord leaves me, I am never going to leave Him (though it was really the vice versa), that much I desired and longed for Him into my life.

Life for the better:

Slowly, I started to experience Him working in my life, He made me accomplish things which I was never capable of, according to my understanding. That’s really amazed me of my experiences of getting loved & honored and that’s only because of my Lord JESUS CHRIST and by nothing or no one else in this world.  Meeting Jesus Christ was the greatest relief and release for me, only after meeting HIM, I experienced joy in my life and that continues till this moment of my life. This inexplicable Joy cannot be explained but I personally wish that you get to experience it some day